I've seen lots of posts over the years about people being frustrated by the fact that Windows automatically reboots for updates. But since 2015 there has been a workaround where you can set the connection to metered, and then it will check and show the updates, but not initiate the download as far as I can tell. I'm wondering if there's a reason people don't do this? I'm fairly certain you can configure OneDrive to download/sync even when over a metered network, but I feel like this is a good workaround as I've been doing it for years and never had any of these unexpected restarts, as updates happen when I choose to make them happen. For example the updates for this month came out last week and I just installed them last night. #Windows #Windows10 #Windows11 #updates #WindowsUpdate
I wanted to add some additional clarification for the point about me choosing when updates happen. This is the case only if updates have not already been downloaded and are awaiting a reboot. If the updates have already been installed, and are awaiting a reboot, then using a metered connection will not prevent the system from restarting. This is specifically for when Windows checks for updates and at that point, a metered connection will prompt you to download the update. It is at that point you can leave it in that state until you're ready, at which point you can press download.