@maerlynofmiria @boltonnut I just don't agree with the terminology of cut and run. The Twitterrific company did not go anywhere. They are just skeptical of Musk because of how they were treated, and personally, after all that company did for Twitter, I do not blame them for being skeptical and not trusting Musk. No one has said that they would never come back. They weren't even aware that a few apps had reconnected. I took the time and personally contacted the company. Plus, the statement that the company just took people's money and ran is just a false narrative and not true. Just like Spring did, you could get a refund for the time you did not use. We also do not know the structure of the Twitterrific company. Once they were cut off by Musk, maybe they had to let those devs go because they could no longer afford to keep them. And now, before getting more devs to reconnect it, they just want to wait to see if the connection is going to last or be temporary. So even though I would love to see Twitterrific start back up, I can step back and see things from both sides. And how about the other apps that have not reconnected? I just know of one mobile app and 2 windows apps. Have you ever thought that Musk turned off some connections but left others on. No one actually knows for certain, but with Musk, that is definitely possible. Or, maybe Spring used a back door to reconnect, and Musk is not even aware. The fact is, we do not know all of the facts.