Well, looks like I might be free of the stomach demon for now, thank God in all reverence. I managed to eat two breakfast rolls and a decent sized plate of chicken dinner yestereday, and not a vestage of trouble. That doesn't mean I'll be taking silly risks, I still have to be careful, but I'm just so happy things are improving. Being tired I can deal with, I'm bound to get more tired as time goes on, but the stomach demon really sapped my hope and optimism. Actually feeling pretty well rested today because I was in bed by seven last night and asleep by a quarter past! So at the moment, God's in heaven, all's right with my world and I'm so, so thankful.
@lulu_bear I’m so glad you’re feeling a bit better. I hope this day is a good one for you. I wish you a very happy birthday.
@DavidGoldfield Aw thank you so much.