If you enjoy reading accessibility battles between blind users and absolutely clueless software developers, oh boy do I have a thread for you.
This guy is trying to add accessibility to an open source slicing tool for 3d printers, he's even willing to do a lot of the work himself if he gets assurance that his PRs are going to be accepted, but the developers are just not seeing it.
I think my favorite quote in the thread is the following, from one of the lead devs:
"it may be better to have these features NOT accessible to the screnreader[sic] at all (which means they are effectively removed from the UI), because there is no point in presenting a feature that a person cannot use"
Along with a suggestion to implement a half-assed, blindness-specific GUI with half the features later down the thread.
The whole discussion is here, for those brave enough to read it https://github.com/prusa3d/prusaslicer/issues/7595
@miki not surprised at all; had a similar experience when I tried to make something more accessible in an open source project; it got merged, but later reverted - because it now required an extra TAB from all users.
On a similar note: it's quite astonishing if you get user feedback from someone who is not blind, but cannot see properly. Uses a screen reader, mouse, keyboard, but is baffled when features are hidden from screen readers or keyboards. Rightly so, in my opinion
@pschriner Yeah hiding features from screen readers and/or requiring SR users to use a special, blind-friendly UI is just all-out bad practice.