After applying to 4 universities, I received 3 offers—RMIT, CSU, and ECU. I’ve decided to go with CSU as their honours and masters programs are fully online. Since I’m also interested in sociology, I’ll be starting with the Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology). The best part? I only need to study for just over 12 months because I received credit for several subjects from my previous studies.
I start next week with Foundations of Psychology 1 and 2. I already have access to the materials, and it looks absolutely amazing. Many of the concepts feel familiar since they align closely with neuroscience. Thank you all for your well wishes as I explore this new direction!
@HarmonthSeeker Yay! I have to warn you though it is very interesting at that stage, some of the stats will bore you to tears if you do not have a head for figures. Least ways that’s what I found when I did my psych degree at AUT here in Auckland.
@sillyblindharper Yes, I'm aware. There are 2 stats units. Did you become a psych? I am not looking forward to the stats units, and not sure how accessible it will be.
@HarmonthSeeker No, not a psych. You will probably need a lot of help with the Stats. You will understand the concepts but probably not be able to run the tests yourself. This depends on what stats software package your uni is using.
@sillyblindharper They use spss I know that much.
@HarmonthSeeker Oh dear! SPSS the standard, is not accessible. You will need a lot of assistance.
@sillyblindharper Damn. Hopefully the uni will find some sort of alternative - although I don't know what that would look like. I'm a while away from the subject; I'm just starting with foundations 1 and 2 now, but I know it's coming. There's 2 subjects, and I guess it may come up again in honours too depending on my research.