Pro tip: If Uber Eats or any other delivery service gives you the wrong item, just report the item as missing. Especially if you are completely blind and can't necessarily guarantee the quality of the photos you take.
Brought to you by someone who calmly explained why taking photos was impractical, and was then told "You need to take the photos". I'm pretty sure they didn't even read the message.
They're going to refund the item anyway, so save yourself the trouble of having to use Aira or similar.
Me: I just wanted to report this order because all three of the replacements I received were wrong. I don't need a refund on this third item because I got something similar and good enough. (It was a variety pack of muffins instead of a pack of banana chocolate muffins, and I would have accepted the replacement.)
Agent: Please send pictures.
Me: That's difficult as I'm totally blind. But the item is exactly the same as this other item.
Agent: Please send pictures.
Me: Fine. Here's a picture of something I'd already have had even if I'm lying. Does that make the robots happy?
Agent: Your Fresh Market Muffin Variety Pack, this item you receive wrong?
Me: That's the item I received. Again, I don't need a refund. I just wanted to report a driver who made three wrong replacements out of three.
Agent: Would you like a refund by Uber Cash or to your credit card?
Me: ... Fine. Uber Cash please.
Ironically, I think this as well as the replacement issue were caused by lack of English proficiency. The only message I received from the delivery driver was in another language, with a translate button. I didn't even know the app could do that until today. I'm never sure what to do with the rating in cases like this. The main reason I said yes to the refund is because I couldn't revoke the tip on the order. It seemed like a fair trade.