@cordova5029 @samtupy maybe we could get somebody to do not really a #movuary thing with a Move @BorrisInABox lol
@cordova5029 @samtupy maybe we could get somebody to do not really a #movuary thing with a Move @BorrisInABox lol
For all one of you asking for a zip file containing all of my #Movuary tracks, here it is. Have fun.
@BorrisInABox Do you have a zip of your #Movuary folder like Andre does? I'd love to download it if so.
#Movuary postmortem report:
I came up with the idea to post a track created on Ableton Move every day in the month of February, and, WOOHOO! I succeeded! I suck at following through on things like that.
Almost every track I posted was created the day of posting, or perhaps the night before. A few were older projects that were touched up. Only one was completely unedited from it's original state from when I made it in December.
4 out of 28 tracks were made using an external MIDI keyboard instead of, or in addition to using Move's pads. These were days 10, 19, 21 and 22. Otherwise, everything was either step entered or played live using the pads.
Total running time of all posted tracks: 56 minutes, 7 seconds.
Total directory size of the project, once converted from 32-bit FP wave to 16-bit flac with dithering at compression level 8: 285 MB.
The shortest track was day 7: Radio Move International, which is 37 seconds.
The longest was day 23: Time Is Up, at 3 minutes 34 seconds.
Day 11: 'ya Got Me' had the highest number of boosts.
Day 24: 'Jazz Is Broken' had the most favorites.
Day 12: 'Not A Keygen' was the least loved, both in terms of favorites and boosts.
My personal favorite to actually make was probably day 5: 'Cheap Plastic Oxygene' with day 1: 'Only the Beginning' coming in at a close second.
I really had fun with this project, and learned some things about this device, and myself as a musician limited in space and scope due to lack of all my instruments at the moment.
Turns out having some limitations, like only having four tracks to play with, and only directly supporting 4/4 time signatures unless you get creative with loop lengths makes you think about things in interesting ways, at least in my case.
I would like to once again say how cool it is to have an accessible groovebox at my disposal. Unfinished and undocumented though the screen reader functionality currently is, with a few small things missing, I can pretty confidently say that there really isn't anything I can't do with this device that anyone looking at the display can... Well, OK, let's not talk about the initial setup. That's a bit of an issue right now, but I have some geeky workarounds for those things, and hopefully, that part will improve. But, once it's all set up, even the very few things that don't speak yet are easy enough to work around to the point where I usually don't feel like I'm missing much.
So, anyway, this was fun, and I'm glad I did it. Thanks for coming along for the ride with me.
#Movuary is officially over. If you'd like any or all of the tracks I submitted throughout in lossless Flac to reboot/remix Sunoify or whatever, they are all in one conveniently ordered folder, here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/3nuij36hg6nwvi8f6vcq2/AHpNyeLApU5nmbqLEWVm4qM?rlkey=lyzwbjr5n7crss4an7ibus1v7&dl=0
#Movuary day 28: a Sad End.
Well, here we are at the end of this Movuary journey, with a sad, slow thing in F miner that makes me wish for better times.
HQ download: http://www.borris.me/audio/movuary2025/28-a_Sad_End.flac
#Movuary day 28: I made this in a car on the way to Belgium, and I know it's short but I didn't get more of a chance to do something epic. There's stuff I want to sample where I'm staying, including an absolutely fantastic stair banister that chimes like a bell, but that will have to be for another set. The sample was recorded from my phone playing back a youtube video, so there is that.
OMG wait, it's called the Ableton Move, somebody has to do a remix of I Like to Move It for #movuary! @FreakyFwoof @BorrisInABox @KaraLG84
#Movuary day 27: This Is A Doob.
Here is a silly minimal thing with Softvoice TTS saying "this is a doob" a lot throughout.
If you know, you know.
HQ download: http://www.borris.me/audio/movuary2025/27-This_Is_A_Doob.flac
#Movuary day 27: Chill Rap. What it says on the tin. Simple, beat hits hard, has a fun melody.
#Movuary day 26: Sliding Sideways.
This is what happens when I don't at all take anything seriously, and do something odd with the four random sounds it throws at me when creating a new set.
HQ download:
FWIW, any track with the drum rack selected will always send chromatically. So, while I could get 32 chromatic notes from any other track, I'd have to manually set it to chromatic each time, so I'd rather just use the drum rack and lose two pads that usually don't matter to the FG-DP30 anyway rather than wasting a bunch of pads that will never do anything.
I have finally, after four months of owning an Ableton Move, been able to make it talk to my Yamaha FG-DP30 for sequencing purposes, since I didn't have access to that until recently. I had to change all the individual pads to MIDI channel 1 (there is no global setting) and remap a bunch of notes. The FG-DP30 has 18 pads, and the drum rack on move only has 16. Fortunately, some of the pads on the FG-DP30 are usually dupes, but on some kits, they're not. For example, I made a custom kit with three toms and three roto toms, so I had to fudge things a bit to get that to work, since you normally only have up to four toms on the Move drumrack.
Kept screwing it up by accidentally loading one of the registration memories instead of changing menus, but dammit, I finally got it, and saved everything into memory slot 1. I truly wish there was a way to properly back up settings on this thing.
#Movuary day 26: Bubberty Time.
In which I take some old samples from my Korg X5DR sound module for a spin, along with a few Roland numbers just for fun.
#Movuary day 25: Dancing Down The Stairs.
A few days ago, @mcourcel submitted a prompt to Elevenlabs SFX generator, which was something like "a man dancing down the stairs, then screaming in pain." He posted two clips, so I imported both of them into Move, and had some ... fun? I dunno if that's the right word.
HQ download: http://www.borris.me/audio/movuary2025/25-Dancing_Down_The_Stairs.flac
#Movuary day 25: 'Down And Dangerous' which makes quite a nice bed for some creepy action you don't really want anyone to know about. Elements of Drum & Bass, but chilled out in it's implementation.
Just FYI:
Anyone using an iPhone (probably other devices as well) connected to Move's USB C port for monitoring speech output... It drains the battery of the phone pretty fast. My phone went from 80 something percent to 0% while using it for a bit under two hours.
The Move pulls power from the phone, which isn't enough to charge it, but does drain the phone battery significantly.
It's more power efficient to use a USB C to 3.5mm audio converter and a patch cord to Move's line-in if all you need is monitoring, not Ethernet connectivity.
I haven't tried this yet, but you could probably use a USB C dock with power delivery and a battery bank to combat this problem.
#movuary day 24: Jazz Is Broken.
So, Onj sent me an unfinished set to play with, thus, I played with it. This originally had drums, keys, and a pluck/almost e-piano sounding thing. I added a sign wave lead and an organ, hastily recorded with my Hamond-suzuki XK-2 a few minutes before leaving for the airport, so I didn't have time to do anything truly exciting with the organ. It was a one-shot recording. Did weird broken stuff with the track, because jazz is broken.
HQ download: http://www.borris.me/audio/movuary2025/24-Jazz_Is_Broken.flac
#Movuary day 24: 'Where, What and Why.' A sad little D minor thing. It basically wrote itself, I wasn't thinking of anything in particular. Quite short.
#Movuary day 23: Incongruous winter. A very strange thing I came up with, when investigating some of the scale options on Move. I believe this is a Spanish scale which I've never used before but it inspired this quite trippy and cold-sounding piece. 1/2