#Trump literally wants to rob the #poor to give more money to rich pathological #wealth #hoarders.
Oh, and they want to #poison us and shorten our lives.
For the rich.
To make the rich more #rich.
This is what #Republican #workingclass people voted for.
Watching #hoarders in the late night
All my vintage computer systems are out of the basement computer room (or 'Cellar...) and stuffed in the dining room while we await the replacement carpet next week. (Failed sump pump caused carpet to get soaked (no computers harmed) and gate on entryway is to keep the cat out.)
How many systems can you spot?
Sign me up for #Hoarders
Nope. Although I can and do binge watch #DrPimplePopper #Hoarders #My600LbLife and some of the dumb treasure hunting “mystery of” shows.
Also i have been binge watching the Show #hoarders i have 1 nore epasode to finish in order to start season 5