So last night, I did a thing. I did a #Instacart order because I needed some cases of water, along with a few other things. I borrowed my buddies flatbed dolly and went down to meet the shopper with it so he wouldn't have to carry heavy cases of water down a really long hallway. When I get groceries delivered, I always make it a point to ask the shopper how many bags there are, so that way I know how many to expect to unpack. In this case he said there were two bags. OK fine. Two bags it is, plus the cases of water. I picked up a bag and set it on the counter to begin unpacking it. I noticed that the shopper had tied the handles in a knot. I didn't think much of it, I began unpacking the groceries. I got done with the first bag, went back to the dolly to retrieve the other one, and it wasn't there. I called my neighbour who lives at the other end of my complex near the front lobby and asked her if she would be kind enough to go and check to see if one of the bags perhaps got dropped. She called me back and said there was no bags or groceries to be found in the lobby. I reported the groceries as missing, and received a credit to my instacart account for them. About an hour later, I went to retrieve something else off the counter. Guess what I found? Yup you got it. The second bag of groceries that I thought I didn't get. Turns out that what the shopper had done was not only tied the handles of the bags in a knot, he had also tied both bags together. So when I opened the first one, the second one slid Back slightly farther behind the first one on the counter. I didn't consider that could happen, I just assumed that the second bag was still on the dolly on top of the water. Oh well, I suppose you can't cry over spilled milk. I didn't deserve the credit, but it's not like I could get them to take it back now because of my stupidity. So I guess I'll just enjoy some free groceries and just chalk the whole thing up to #BlindieProblems