Is there a "position cursor at the bottom of the file by default" plugin for #Obsidian? I'm not talking about "remember cursor position". Always at the bottom. Per-file would be nice, but for all opened files is acceptable. Yes I know I can search.
Having fun with Google Calendar events and #Obsidian meeting notes:
- Sync in Apple Calendar
- Apple Shortcuts to export today's events (1 ICS file per event
- Node script to merge events in one single ICS file
- Apache server to make ICS file available to HTTP clients
In Obsidian:
- “New note” in relevant folder
- Templater plugin choses the right template
- Templater script uses ICS plugin to get events, select the current…
Been using Obsidian for a while now. It has been a decent experience, but I am getting tired of having half-broken sync options. Their own Sync works very nicely, but I just don't have the budget for it.
Trying out Anytype now. I can self-host it. It is a beast, but wow, I missed a Notion-ish setup. It does pain me to have the rootless page setup... Feels like pages just disappear if you don’t put them somewhere immediately.
have not checked the news in over 24 hours and am afraid to ask, what did i miss. blame it on #obsidian. am kinda obsessed now.
New blogpost about #Obsidian as a digital community archiving tool.
I describe a collaborative way to record information, in an intuitive text format (markdown) and live visualization as a network graph:
@schmkr @MevLyshkin picked up the air note 4 c about 2 weeks back. The #obsidian integration has met my expectations. Actually usable in a fast paced work environment. Serious game changer.
Only complaint (very minor) is that it closes background notes, so i can't insta-flip between obsidian and free note. Still tuning tho.
Are there plugins for #Obsidian that give you more control over where notes are saved? I might need to poke around.
I use the daily notes but just the out of the box option. I keep my consulting business notes in the same vault (one second brain approach), but don’t necessarily want detailed client notes in my daily note. My daily note I often put a brief “worked on this for client X, had a call with client Y” but don’t want details there.
I’d like to be able to create a new note from a link in either my daily note or homepage that opens a “daily note for clients” specific template with more properties aligned to tracking who or what the note is for AND have it saved somewhere other than where my daily notes get saved.
Daily notes, or One Big Text File? It's not an either-or; you can have both! Here's the intriguing case for multiple unique notes per day.
getting myself excited about #Obsidian again after a break. Now I’m using tags for everything. Omnisearch, PDF++ and Sync will make my life a lot nicer. Not thinking too hard about the file hierachy is a bit of a relief. I can reasonably write on my phone!
The only bit im still not 100% happy with is that I can’t use typst as seemlessly as I can LaTeX, but I think I can get closer to feature/usage parity than I am right now.
#linux wird gerade bei mir an allen Ecken und Enden ein Thema. Nicht, weil ich nicht mit meinen Apple-Geräten zufrieden wäre - ganz im Gegenteil.
Aber für meinen alten #iMac (Mitte 2011, i5 2,7GHz, 24 GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD6770M 512MB, 1TB), denn #OCLP ist schon auf HighSierra und extrem lahm.
Ich nutze vor allem
- #obsidian
- Browser (#librewolf )
- Mail-Client über imap
- #icloud (liefe über Snap)
- irgendein Office (ich gebe zu, dass ich mit #LibreOffice hadere)
- #elgato StreamDeck
I like that in the #Obsidian Reddit forums, the arguments that break out is about whether we should use folders or whether we should ban posts about a vault's graph view
Hi all. PKM Weekly (9-Mar-25) is live
#tana - Supertags, AI prompts and migrating to Tana
#obsidian - Why Obsidian? Claude with Obsidian
#Capacities - New Release
#logseq - Lost hope? and MCP
#Appflowy - Update
#affine - Readwise?
#noteey - Offline
Many thanks as always
After a week of transferring just one class’s worth of notes to #obsidian
Der Umzug ist erledigt: Baba Apple Notizen, Servus Obsidian. Mein Abschied von US-Services/Apps geht munter weiter.
I took the plunge on the #Obsidian Sync service. Sandra is in a new work schedule which means I might be writing many nights at the PC again (I've been writing #Hammondal and the Trusty GM stuff exclusively on my Android for the last couple of years, with the PC work being limited to graphics).
I feel like a very grown-up Obsidian user now.