#Mona #Tip. How to add hash tags to the bottom list of tabs. 1, Go to the Search tab. 2, Do a search for the hash tag you want. 3, In the search results, double tap on the one you want. 4, On the screen of your hash tag, you will find an actions button. 5, Double tap the actions button, and in the pop up menu, select Pin to tab bar. It will put the new hash tag tab as the first one, but don't forget, you can arrange them as you wish in settings. Happy Hash tagging! #adding #hashTags in #Mona
@ChrisChaffin Where can I download Mona?
@UnicornQueen1 Mona is currently in beta, so in order to download Mona you have to have the Spring app for Twitter. Do you have the Spring app?
@ChrisChaffin O. Nope.
@UnicornQueen1 Mona plans releasing the first full version in the Spring, I am assuming within the next couple of months.
@ChrisChaffin O ok. I guess I'll wait till then.
@UnicornQueen1 If you are running iOS, you could try Tusker. It is really good and basically has all of the same features.
@ChrisChaffin O yeah. I downloaded and tried that yesterday. And I like it.
@UnicornQueen1 If you are interested in doing hash tags, then you can also do that in Tusker really easily.
@ChrisChaffin Yep. And that's awesome. I tried that out yesterday also.