Contacted Twitterrific, and they are skeptical about Twitter and 3rd party apps coming back. So at this time, Twitterrific will not work because it needs an update before it will work again. #Twitterrific #Skeptical #Twitter
@ChrisChaffin Yeah, I would be very sceptical as well, feels to me like they really don't know what they want to do.
@ChrisChaffin I hope they can fix it or make it work. Understand their reservation though.
@boogiechild I know that a lot of people would love to see it work again. But just keep in mind. Twitter has proven that they are unpredictable and can not be trusted. They could turn it back on, then a month later turn it back off. So I will remain skeptical, because once I get burned, I stay away from the fire. #twitter #blind
@ChrisChaffin @boogiechild I mean why would they even bother when twitter is so unpredictable? it's probably a glitch that the app API is working again anyway!
@ChrisChaffin @boogiechild It’s gone. Good riddance to rubbish.
@ChrisChaffin I don’t blame them for being skeptical and apparently a bit wary. I think they were the first ones to get burned in all this stuff. They were cut off with no explanation, while others were allowed to continue.
@kernsac Plus, that company goes way back with twitter. They even made the original twitter app for iOS, and they were the ones that created the blue bird and the word tweet. So to be treated like that after all they had contributed to helping twitter really burned them to the core.
@ChrisChaffin Yeah, what's the expression? Once bitten, twice shy, or something like that?
@kernsac I do remember that saying. In fact, it was the name of a song that I use to listen to by a band name Great White.
@ChrisChaffin @kernsac I remember that song very well. Reminds me of being at the roller-skating rink as a teenager.
@ChrisChaffin Blah! I wish Twitterific did work again. That was the app I used all the time.
@luvlabguidedogs @ChrisChaffin tell me. wishing twitterific worked. Please? Do y'all want me to get started on Elon musk cologne or is it musk rat?
@boltonnut @ChrisChaffin That's primarily because the developers cut and ran. Spring still works, and from what I gather, the whole thing about third party apps being disallowed is being retracted. Twitteriffic only doesn't work because the devs ran like rats deserting a sinking ship the very moment things stopped working. That, unfortunately, can't be blamed on Musk.
@maerlynofmiria @boltonnut Twitterrific did not really cut and run. there connection was cut off. And so was Springs connection. I have both apps and I tried both at the time. Spring just started working yesterday, its not like Spring did not stop working. Twitterrific has just decided that at this time, they are choosing to be cautious because they just don't want the same thing to happen again. And I can understand where Twitterrific is coming from. My Spring did not just magically start working. First, I had to update the app, then sign in again, and then authorize the app to connect my account to Spring again. So that means that Spring some how created an entire new connection. And there are other third party apps that still don't work. I will also say that Spring still don't work as smoothly as it use to. Sometimes it takes multiple times to send a post. Do not know if the connection Spring has is not as good, if it is a problem on Springs end, or on twitters end. Its Twitterrifics decision if they want to try to reconnect at this time, but Musk is the cause of the issue ever starting.
@ChrisChaffin @maerlynofmiria @boltonnut yep he's the route cause of it.
@ChrisChaffin @boltonnut the difference is, the spring devs kept it going, even if it stopped working, so yes, Twitteriffic's devs did, in fact, cut and run.
@ChrisChaffin @maerlynofmiria I can too understand where twitterific is coming from but hope they do come back. I like it better than on the I O S phone.
@maerlynofmiria @ChrisChaffin I hear you. I wish twitterific was working but at least I have Mastodon and twitter on TW Blue and I know they both work through TW Blue.
@boltonnut @ChrisChaffin What gets me is that people are claiming that the twitteriffic devs didn't cut and run. sorry, but they did. when you take into account that the Spring developers stayed around, and compare that with how quickly twitteriffic pulled their app, when all that'd be needed now is an update, it's obvious that they did.
@maerlynofmiria @boltonnut I just don't agree with the terminology of cut and run. The Twitterrific company did not go anywhere. They are just skeptical of Musk because of how they were treated, and personally, after all that company did for Twitter, I do not blame them for being skeptical and not trusting Musk. No one has said that they would never come back. They weren't even aware that a few apps had reconnected. I took the time and personally contacted the company. Plus, the statement that the company just took people's money and ran is just a false narrative and not true. Just like Spring did, you could get a refund for the time you did not use. We also do not know the structure of the Twitterrific company. Once they were cut off by Musk, maybe they had to let those devs go because they could no longer afford to keep them. And now, before getting more devs to reconnect it, they just want to wait to see if the connection is going to last or be temporary. So even though I would love to see Twitterrific start back up, I can step back and see things from both sides. And how about the other apps that have not reconnected? I just know of one mobile app and 2 windows apps. Have you ever thought that Musk turned off some connections but left others on. No one actually knows for certain, but with Musk, that is definitely possible. Or, maybe Spring used a back door to reconnect, and Musk is not even aware. The fact is, we do not know all of the facts.
@ChrisChaffin @boltonnut If they didn't cut and run, why, then, did they say, in february, that their app was being removed from the app store? And if they didn't cut and run, why, pray tell, haven't they updated the app so it once more works? Funny how Spring stayed around, and not only that, still works with twitter, whilst twitteriffic hasn't been updated and still won't work and still displays the same blurb that went up in february before they pulled the app.
@maerlynofmiria @boltonnut Feel like I am repeating myself. You are assuming that all apps can now connect to twitter, but that is just not true. Just because Spring reconnected, does not mean that all apps can. You act like Twitterrific is the only app that has not reconnected, but again, that is not true. Why did they remove their app back in Feb.? Well, from the announcement from Musk that third party apps are done might be a pretty good reason. At the time back in Feb., after Musk's announcement, they thought the app was done, therefore there is no reason to keep it in the app store. Why have they not reconnected? 3 reasons, 1, They weren't even aware that other apps had reconnected, again, from Musk's announcement, they thought they were done. 2, We do not know if they can even reconnect. Like I said, other apps have also not been able to reconnect. If they can not reconnect, then that could be why the app has not been updated. 3, If they can reconnect, they have chosen to be a little hesitant because they do not know if the connection will stay around. You can not say if Twitterrific will reconnect at a later time or not. I know that they are hesitant because I actually talked with the company. To say a company has cut and run means that the company took everybodys money, packed up their bags, and shut up shop. But like I said, that is not true. First, the company has not went anywhere, and they did not take anyones money because they gave refunds. If you want to think that they cut and run, then that is up to you. But to me, you are assuming a lot of things that no one actually knows yet.
@ChrisChaffin @boltonnut And when the ban kept getting delayed and delayed and delayed, it was obvious that the ban wasn't going to happen, even before the latest situation.
@maerlynofmiria @boltonnut If you think that apps were not cut off by twitter, then that is just not true. Like I said, Spring is one of the only apps that is currently going. So if you want to think that, go ahead.
@ChrisChaffin @boltonnut as I stated, I knew from the moment the first delay happened that the ban wasn't going to be going ahead. Musk banned a couple of apps, set a date, and then kept pushing the date back, until finally, he had to retract. If Twitteriffic's devs had just held out, and then updated their app, they'd now have it working properly again. It reminded me of how Harold Camping picked a date for the rapture of the church in 1994, and when that date came and went, he kept setting backup dates until 1995 started. And then he did the same thing in 2011, and once more, kept setting backup dates until 2012 began. And both times, those who believed him sold everything they owned and hunkered down to await the end of the world, which never happened in either case, as evidence all of us still living on this planet.
@maerlynofmiria @ChrisChaffin exactly. Elon musk cologne rat love/hate messed things up but yeah, Twitterific shouldn't have jumped the gun. Darn. Well, at least we have mastodon and others with T W Blue.
@boltonnut @ChrisChaffin And I still have my doubts as to whether many people would trust them not to jump ship again if they actually did bring the app back and update it.
@maerlynofmiria @boltonnut @ChrisChaffin I'm with you there about twitterrific. The got scared & ran. They let that thing get to them.
@boogiechild @boltonnut @ChrisChaffin Yep, like rats deserting a sinking ship.
@ChrisChaffin It's doubtful they'll ever update twitteriffic, especially seeing how they ran like rats deserting a sinking ship the moment things went wrong. and even if they do update, it's highly doubtful many former subscribers will redownload the app, seeing how they paid money for it and basically got said payments slapped back in their faces a couple months ago.
@maerlynofmiria If Twitterrific ever reconnected, I would resubscribe with them in a minute. They did not cause this issue, so I am not going to blame someone for something that they had no control of.
@ChrisChaffin @maerlynofmiria oh heck sou would i. it was my favourite twitter app for the phone.