Just for fun, what's your favorite thing to order at a nice Italian restaurant? It's our friend's birthday tomorrow, and we're going out for lunch. I think I'm just going to get spaghetti and meatballs or sausage, but I was curious about what other people like. #Food
@Fragglemuppet I like chicken parmesan, or sometimes they'll have interesting sauces with italian sausage in them. This one place near us has this spicy red pepper sauce with italian sausage that I really enjoy. Alfredo is never a bad choice either.
@luv4music1231 @Fragglemuppet Not sure how nice this is, but I like the eggplant parmesan.
@MS26 @Fragglemuppet I can't get into eggpplant.
@luv4music1231 @MS26 I don't usually like it either, but sometimes I like parmesan, and also moussaka.
@Fragglemuppet @luv4music1231 I know eggplant can be quite controversial but it's actually one of my favorite vegetables. Idk the flavor is just so unique.