Hey #Blind friends using #ScreenReaders like #JFW how on the earth do you now edit your #Amazon.com shopping cart I.E. if you wish to remove an item? I'm in Chrome today and can't figure out how to do it.
@robini71 under the shopping cart heading you should see two tabs, saved for later and one other I can't remember at the moment. EIther way though press enter on the tab to go into forms mode and shift tab backwards and the cart will become visible. Silly, I know, but it works!
@tsquires It defaulted to the saved for later tab let me see this thing.
@robini71 Yeah that's fine. as long as you're in forms mode and your focus is on that tab you should be able to shift tab back into the cart. Once you get itno the cart and activate the virtual PC cursor, you should be able to navigate the cart as normal.
@tsquires The appearance didn't change at all no matter the tab I repeated multiple times justin case it'd work.