Contacted Twitterrific, and they are skeptical about Twitter and 3rd party apps coming back. So at this time, Twitterrific will not work because it needs an update before it will work again. #Twitterrific #Skeptical #Twitter
@ChrisChaffin It's doubtful they'll ever update twitteriffic, especially seeing how they ran like rats deserting a sinking ship the moment things went wrong. and even if they do update, it's highly doubtful many former subscribers will redownload the app, seeing how they paid money for it and basically got said payments slapped back in their faces a couple months ago.
@maerlynofmiria If Twitterrific ever reconnected, I would resubscribe with them in a minute. They did not cause this issue, so I am not going to blame someone for something that they had no control of.
@ChrisChaffin @maerlynofmiria oh heck sou would i. it was my favourite twitter app for the phone.