Minecraft Q&A: Yep, I Play Without Seeing. Magic? Nah, Just Tech.
I didn’t think my last post about playing Minecraft as a blind gamer would blow up like it did—seriously, you guys are awesome! Since it caught so much attention, I figured I’d answer some of the burning questions you’re probably asking yourself. Like, how does this even work? Let’s get into it!
Q: How do you even use a computer to play Minecraft?
A: Ah, the classic “How on Earth…?” question. The short answer: technology is amazing.
The longer answer: I use a program called NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access), which reads everything happening on my screen out loud. Imagine having a super-chatty co-pilot telling you exactly what’s in front of you—but in a good way. Using shortcut keys like arrows, Enter, Space, and Tab, I can navigate menus, open programs, and yes, dive into Minecraft. It’s basically like using The Force, but geekier.
Q: Okay, but seriously, how do you play Minecraft?
A: Here’s how it goes:
I open the Minecraft launcher, hit Play (which I like to imagine is green because, let’s face it, green is top-tier).
Once my mods load—including #MinecraftAccess—I use arrow keys and Tab to navigate menus like Singleplayer or Multiplayer. Space or Enter makes my selection.
When I’m in the game, things get fun. First, I check my coordinates using Alt+Z, Alt+X, and Alt+C. It’s like my personal GPS, minus the annoying “Recalculating” voice. Then, I:
Turn using keyboard shortcuts to face cardinal directions.
Walk to find what I need—whether it’s diamonds in a chest by the northern wall of my base or the staircase leading down to my iron mines.
Adjust my view up or down by specific degrees (because looking around isn’t just for sighted folks, thank you very much).
Interact with objects using simulated mouse clicks, since, yeah, I don’t use a physical mouse.
In my base, I’ve got two staircases: one to the south that leads to my iron mines, and another to the west that goes down, down, down to my diamond ones. It sounds like a puzzle game, but it’s just how I keep things organized. Trust me, it works!
Q: Are there other games for blind players?
A: Absolutely! There are tons of smaller games designed specifically for blind players. They’re not Minecraft-level huge, but they’re fun and a great way to pass the time. Think of them as the indie darlings of the blind gaming world.
Got more questions? Drop them below! I’ll collect them and do another Q&A soon—because, let’s be real, this is as fun for me as it seems to be for you. Who knows, maybe your questions will lead me to discover even cooler tricks in Minecraft Access!
And remember: diamonds are forever… unless you accidentally drop them into lava.
#Accessibility #GamingWithoutLimits #Minecraft
@OlegTheSnowman Is t ok with you if I share this post on my community discord server?