There is a certain blindness organization here in Canada that has pissed me off beyond belief today. To be fair, they've done it numerous times, but this one takes the cake, the baby, the bath water, heck pretty much everything. I am not amused. Can you tell?
@mcourcel Oh boy, what have they done?
@TSchulte @mcourcel I went for a computer assessment today. What an absolute shit show that was. The guy had absolutely no idea what he was doing, had to call his boss on facetime for help, sent me completely to the wrong location in the wrong area of town, and to make matters worse the guy who was a low partial absolutely stank to high heavens. He fit every stereotype of an unhygienic blindy.
@mcourcel @Cam @TSchulte while the battery life might not be that great, all I can say is what do you expect from a 150ma battery? that is all that battery is. I am thinking they went with a very small battery so that they still looked like sun glasses without parts of them bulging out do to a bigger battery. I would absolutely love a bigger battery, but considering what is in them, it isn't all that bad. and they charge up in I think at most 75 miknutes.
@singingnala @mcourcel @Cam I don't have room on my desk for one of those, so mine's in my closet way at the back!
@mcourcel @singingnala @TSchulte I guess with most desktops being solid-state drives now, the CPU is probably not much of a tower anymore. I'm assuming that's what I'll get. I just pretty much did the paperwork today. Dealing with the vendor is next.
@Cam @mcourcel @singingnala @TSchulte wonder how many vendors are left. can only think of a couple but I haven't looked lately either.
@mcourcel @singingnala @TSchulte @bmoore123 I'm going with HT Consulting out of Hamilton. I heard they're good.
@Cam @mcourcel @singingnala @TSchulte yeah, I have done work for them but they seem to be one of the few left. did they actually give you a list of vendors?
@singingnala @bmoore123 @mcourcel @TSchulte They said they would've but I already had them in mind.
@Cam @mcourcel @singingnala @TSchulte @bmoore123 I can vouch for that vendor, I've used them since 2001. Say hi to Jill and Uli for me.
@bmoore123 @TSchulte @munchkinbear @mcourcel I will. Jill seems really nice.
@Cam @bmoore123 @TSchulte @mcourcel jill's amazing. She'll find every way to squeeze the most out of the authorized funds, she'll make the funds scream.
@munchkinbear @Cam @bmoore123 @mcourcel And that's great because some vendors won't do that.
@TSchulte @munchkinbear @Cam @bmoore123 Yup, we used to have a great vendor out in Toronto that would do the same thing. I miss him.
@Cam @bmoore123 @TSchulte @munchkinbear Oh yeah, Now I remember HT Consulting. I did some training for them a few years back. Yeah Jill is great. And she pays on time, unlike good old Frontier, Lol!
@mcourcel @Cam @TSchulte @munchkinbear yep, it works better when the person doing the paying isn't stealing all the money
@mcourcel @Cam @TSchulte @munchkinbear yes, Jill has always paid me on time. Quite quickly actually.
@mcourcel @Cam @bmoore123 @TSchulte she most certainly does. I did a training thing for her with a client, I literally dropped off the paperwork and within a few hours I was paid.
@singingnala @mcourcel @TSchulte @Cam i love my perl
@singingnala @mcourcel @TSchulte I had one of those on my last system. It was great. Unfortunately it took an inadvertent tumble off my desk and died. Never to work again.
@singingnala @mcourcel @TSchulte @Cam absolutely! If I had room to use it, I'd use mine.
@vol4life8657 @mcourcel @TSchulte @Cam Oh yay! I didn't know so many of us were in the pearl club. Lol.
@TSchulte @singingnala @mcourcel @vol4life8657 if you put a bunch of those cameras together you could make a pearl necklace.
@Cam @TSchulte @singingnala @vol4life8657 Yup, you went there. As expected.
@mcourcel @Cam @singingnala @vol4life8657 yeah Cam you're so predictable. lol
@TSchulte @vol4life8657 @mcourcel @singingnala *sigh*. I know. I've gotta work on changing it up a bit.
@Cam @vol4life8657 @mcourcel @singingnala at least we know where your mind always is. lol
@mcourcel @TSchulte @vol4life8657 @singingnala well you know, can't disappoint a captive audience.
@vol4life8657 @singingnala @mcourcel @TSchulte you could also connect a bunch of book players together and make a daisy chain.
@Cam @vol4life8657 @singingnala @mcourcel oh now that's aweful!
@Cam @vol4life8657 @singingnala @TSchulte Lookup the Human Centipeed movie series and get back to me.
@mcourcel @Cam @vol4life8657 @TSchulte Oh brother. Not that. Rofl.
@singingnala @TSchulte @Cam I miss my perl cam. It just stopped working one day.