Comments regarding insufficient public access accommodations
It is disappointing that in 2023, when a major new transport infrastructure project is opened to the public, that there are severe accessibility deficiencies or oversights that will impact on many blind and vision impaired travellers. I dont know whether @transportNSW has consulted with groups like @visionaustralia or @GuideDogsAus or whoever, but clearly accessibility was not a priority. Huge new pedestrian corridors at Sydney Central Railway opened this week as a precursor to the new Metro. Tactuals are only in places. Corridors are 22 metres wide. No longways tactuals.only around the head of the escalators. So how are we supposed to find the escalators? Poor work from all involved. This is not the first time the primary body developing such sites has either ignored accessibility and only paid lip service to advice provided. Wynyard Railway station and Wynyard Walk are hopelessly marked. George St #cityofsydney is a dangerous environment and many local intersections are now 100% level between footpath and road. It is time our agencies become more militant and confrontational with Government organisations and less cozy.