People who use screen readers, do you prefer hashtags to all be at the end of a post, or do you prefer hashtags to be mixed in with the main text?
(This is a poll for sight impaired people only, please do not vote if you are sighted. I only included the third option because so many people vote without reading posts properly, and I didn't want sighted people skewing the results.)
@FediTips I wish this poll had one more option for either way works for me.
Ah, that's a good point. I can't edit the poll without resetting it to zero, so will just leave it. Apologies!
I guess you could vote with the option you prefer even marginally?
@FediTips That's what we ended up doing.
@bitsacb @FediTips Because links are notoriously long sometimes and we don't need to use shorteners here, having the URL entirely read out can squash any text beyond a link. Basically I assume that once you dump a link unless it's known to be more than one, I assume there is no more text and don't want to go through the effort of waiting for the URL to finish rattling off to find it. For simple domain references, E.G. see for whatever, this doesn't apply, it's when you have paths and fragments and query strings and the like.