On the final stretch of Prisoner of Azkaban in #braille, about 60 pages to go, so should finish tomorrow or the day after.
Make that about 50 pages left, I have already read 25 pages today.
Ok, that's finished, and will start Goblet of Fire later.
@dhamlinmusic I miss reading! Only time i can read is during my commute! School has taken over my life
@wenwizzle Yeah I remember that, I'm a stay at home father, so I have an ok amount of free time to read while the kid is playing and I have nothing more important that I need to do.
@dhamlinmusic that was the last of the Potter books I read in full. GOF started out so slowly, and Percy Weasley's constant defense of a man who obviously had alterior motives got under my skin very quickly.
@austinnix I read all of them when they first came out in print, but have not in a long time, and am blind now, so I have been using them as something familiar to work on my braille reading with.
@dhamlinmusic excellent.
@austinnix I read Sorcerer's Stone between March and November of last year, was not very regular about it, read Chamber of Secrets between November and December, and started Prisoner of Azkaban just before New Years and should be done this weekend.
@dhamlinmusic Braille is important and I'm glad you are embracing it.