Hey #Blind friends using #ScreenReaders like #JFW how on the earth do you now edit your #Amazon.com shopping cart I.E. if you wish to remove an item? I'm in Chrome today and can't figure out how to do it.
So far I've tried 2 different screen readers. I can not find any on screen elements such as combo boxes, edit fields or buttons to change quantities or remove or delete items. This is quite confounding.
@robini71 this is not just a you thing.
@munchkinbear I don't know whether to be relieved or saddened by this. This is a mess!
@munchkinbear @robini71 I am finding the edit box for quantity in my cart,. Using Chrome and Jaws at the moment.
@MamaBraille @robini71 I'm not, I just tried it last night.
@MamaBraille @robini71 I can sort of get around it by clicking proceed to checkout but that's not cool.
@munchkinbear @robini71 Not sure why I would be then.
@MamaBraille @munchkinbear @robini71 I can't even see what is in my shopping card. I just put something in it. it says cart sub total, and shows me the amount, but I can't even see what is in the cart. I am using latest JFW, and kchrome here.
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear I'm so sorry you've joined my club I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
@robini71 @munchkinbear well we get just about everything from amazon, and until now this hasn't been an issue. we made purchases last week if I am not mistaken.
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear I did too.
@robini71 @munchkinbear I am about to call the accessibility line about this. this is 99 layers of not cool!
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear Hahahaha good luck friend I wish you super good luck with them.
@robini71 @munchkinbear ok, thanks to May she told me how to do the cart. it makes no sense, but does work. here are the steps to do it.
1. kgo to your cart.
2. find the heading that says shopping cart, heading levil 2.
***do not use arrow keys yet***
3. press the tab key until you hear your first item that is in your cart.
4. if using google crome, you can at this point use the down arrow key to find the delete button like you used too.
***very important note***
if using a mac, do not use arrows at all! keep using the tab key, other wize it will take you out of the shopping cart area.
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear This is insane. It shouldn't have to be like this. I'm about to try.
@robini71 @munchkinbear it will work, as I just did it. I can record it so you can hear me do it.
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear No it's ok I believe you I'm just saying that if they think this is a good solution they're crazy. People with cognitive load or dexterity issues are really gonna struggle with this.
@robini71 @munchkinbear I wonder if they know they broke it, as if you were sighted, you would be using a mouse, and the stuff is there. may said this just happened, it wasn't like this yesterday.
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear That's just it how do we let them know it's seemingly broken.
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear Maybe i"m stupid to the nth degree. I did what you said I tabbed. I did not touch arrows till it got to the first "share such and such item announcement as that was the first reference I had to an item in my cart after it tried to sell me tons of other items. And I arrow down and still nothing doing.
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear I used down arrow and still no delete button by me.
@robini71 @JamminJerry @munchkinbear I am so confused! I even tried to update chrome and break things, and it is still working for me. WTF!
@MamaBraille @robini71 @munchkinbear I hope this recording helps you guys out. sorry for my voice being a bit loud, it didn't sound that way in my earphones, but I was more conserned with getting this audio out to you guys.
@JamminJerry @robini71 @munchkinbear Any way I do this, it is working for me. I'll try it on my machine downstairs and see if anything is different.
@JamminJerry @MamaBraille @munchkinbear I just listened I'm gonna try again. Interestingly when I got to shopping cart it was saying share such and such an item it wasn't just verbalizing them as yours did. Neat chime you had in there too what caused that?
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear Nor any indication of quantity of said item.
@robini71 @munchkinbear ok, try using the tab key instead of arrows see if that works.
@JamminJerry I did that just took me to the next announcement of share item x pertaining to the next item in the cart.
@robini71 did that audio file help you out any?
@JamminJerry @JamiePauls @robini71 @munchkinbear Hi. Very interesting to read this thread. This whole process sounds convoluted. This is why I use the app instead of the website. I'm wondering what version of Jaws people are using, because maybe that's the difference? I sure hope they fix the website.
@CreativeChris @JamminJerry @JamiePauls @munchkinbear I can confirm that the issue occurs in both jaws 2024 and the most current iteration of 2025 by me Along with the most current version of NVDA and narrator
@robini71 @CreativeChris @JamiePauls @munchkinbear it is also the same on a mac as well, which uses voiceover.
@robini71 @CreativeChris @JamiePauls @munchkinbear I think I have very good news for people. it looks like the amazon cart issues have been fixed. can someone else confirm this for me? I am able to use headings to get to each item in my cart again, and I can use the arrow keys to go threw it again like before.
@JamminJerry @robini71 @CreativeChris @JamiePauls yup, I can confirm this works again, now, amazon, stop fucking breaking shit!
@munchkinbear @JamminJerry @CreativeChris @JamiePauls Please, we should be so fortunate.
@robini71 @munchkinbear this is not cool at all! I can't even see what is in my cart at all. let alone trying to remove things from it. I don't like this at all!
@JamminJerry @munchkinbear Nor do I friend.
@MamaBraille @munchkinbear That is odd I am not seeing it in any browser. What scrreen reader and version are you using?
@robini71 @munchkinbear JAWS 2025 latest at the moment with Chrome.
@robini71 @munchkinbear I went in and added a couple of things to cart, and in the cart, there are the quantity edit spin boxes that I can access by pressing e, and if forms mode is on, either type in, or up arrow to increase quantity, or down arrow to decrease.
@MamaBraille @robini71 yup I cna't see those or the buttons to remove, save for later, etc.
@munchkinbear @MamaBraille This is crazy making.
@munchkinbear @MamaBraille I just made sure the latest update to #JFW2025 had been applied, I rebooted and still no joy in 2024 or 2025 in any browser. Something is definitely broken somewhere. I can find share item links. I can find select all items or deselect all items but that's it. #Ugly #Unacceptable #AccessibilityFail
@munchkinbear What I find so troubling is the amount of influence Amazon has not just in terms of commerse but also through products they own such as Ring and others. To have a degradation in #Accessibility occur like this is troubling. I hope orgs or someone attempts to dialogue with them in some sort of meaningful fashion.