Hey #Blind friends using #ScreenReaders like #JFW how on the earth do you now edit your #Amazon.com shopping cart I.E. if you wish to remove an item? I'm in Chrome today and can't figure out how to do it.
@robini71 With VoiceOver on iPhone, Chrome I find it. Are you on a laptop? Then I will try it there.
@GreenSkyOverMe I am on a desktop yes.
@robini71 Okay, Chrome on Windows with NVDA:
After putting a thing into the cart it just says added to cart, proceed to checkout and go to cart, no option to remove from there. After clicking Go to cart, when navigating, shortly after "this is a gift" there is "quantity 1" and after that there is "delete". This works.
I cannot reach the trash icon to the left of "quantity 1" and I cannot reach the plus icon to the right of quantity 1 or change the 1 to a different number.
@GreenSkyOverMe Still not seeing any of that by me so for whatever reason, something is causing people to have differing experiences.