'Ant-Man': Paul Rudd Address MCU Return!! #PaulRudd, #AntMan, #Marvel, #AvengersDoomsday, #AvengersSecretWars, #AntManandtheWasp, #Quantumania

'Ant-Man': Paul Rudd Address MCU Return!! #PaulRudd, #AntMan, #Marvel, #AvengersDoomsday, #AvengersSecretWars, #AntManandtheWasp, #Quantumania
My eyes hurt.
I just got through watching "Kraven The Hunter" and it is quite probably the very worst Marvel offering I have ever seen (Wait... Sorry - I just remembered I sat through ten minutes of "The Eternals." Never mind.)
Russell Crowe as a Russian crime boss was a tough sell and the critics were right, the screenplay was flat and predictable.
I knew there was a reason I stopped following the Marvel movies, somebody apparently killed all the good writers.
Kristen's reaction is one of my favorites.
#marvel #endgame #cinepals #reaction
Марвел загнали в свой мир ещё одного, второго человека-паука в лице парня-негра?
Пипец какой-то, «повесточка» прямо в лицо кидаемая. Жрите твари, хрюкать и урчать не забывайте.
Узнал лишь посмотрев про игру Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, где двое этих самых человека-паука.
Совсем уже крышей поехали на тему BLM, равенства с инклюзивности. Пойди поиграю в то, что вышло в 2000-2010 годах, без такой нарочитой херни.
I’ve been getting back into #comicbook collecting a little more over the past few years. This is my first graded & slabbed book with a variant cover by an artist that I’ve been digging (Federico Vicentini).
Perdidos En El Éter #612 - Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (TV) / Comics de Spider-Man
¡Hombre Araña! ¡Hombre Araña! ¡Tu Amigable Vecino El Hombre Araña! Marvel Studios Animation recientemente lanzó la primera temporada de la nueva serie animada del arácnido, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, que explora los comienzos de la carrera superheroica de Peter Parker en un universo que se parece un poco al MCU, pero que al final no es. En este programa hacemos la RE: seña de esta serie, que mezcla elementos modernos con inspiraciones visuales de los dos artistas más clásicos de Spidey, su co-creador Steve Ditko, y quien lo sucedió, John Romita padre.
Después, ya que estábamos en la onda "inicios de Spidey", reseñamos varios comics viejos con comienzos del personaje. Empezamos por su debut en Amazing Fantasy #15 (por Steve Ditko y Stan Lee) y el primer número de su propia serie, Amazing Spider-Man, ambas de 1962 y del mismo equipo creativo (Steve Ditko y Stan Lee). Seguimos por los primeros dos números del primer volumen de Marvel Team-Up (1971/1972, por Roy Thomas, Gerry Comway, y Ross Andru), con un Spider-Man que ya tiene algunos años de actividad, pero haciendo sus primeras colaboraciones importantes con su amigo Human Torch. Para terminar, cubrimos los dos primeros números de Untold Tales of Spider-Man (1995, por Kurt Busiek y Pat Olliffe), una serie con historias retroactivamente ubicadas en los primeros años de actividad del trepamuros.
Con música de The Math Club con Relaye y Melo Makes Music (sampleando a Paul Francis Webster y Bob Harris), Within The Ruins, y Weezer.
Escuchalo en tu plataforma de podcasts favorita, como Spotify o YouTube:
Spotify: spoti.fi/3DW51qf
YouTube: bit.ly/perdidos612yt
Próximo programa: Tres comics rioplatenses, Tango Pulp / Nonfata / El Cronista.
#perdidoseneleter #TV #series #animacion #superheroes #Marvel #SpiderMan #YourFriendlyNeighborhoodSpiderMan
'Godzilla vs. Spider-Man': New Images Preview the Upcoming Marvel Comics One-Shot!! Check It Out!! #Godzilla, #GodzillavsSpiderMan, #Marvel, #SpiderMan
A Warning About Jonathan Bolerjack: The Guy Behind the Stan Lee Documentary
There is a Kickstarter by some guy who took advantage of and profited off the great Stan Lee in his last days. This is an excellent Reddit post about this clown and why people should be aware of him.
If you are a #ComicBook fan, a #Marvel fan or a #StanLee fan please read this and PLEASE reshare it.
Jenna Ortega Says She’s “Moved on” From Marvel After Appearing in ‘Iron Man 3’ “for a Quick Second”
#MovieNews #Movies #IronMan3 #JennaOrtega #Marvel #MCU #PaulRudd
Predator Vs. Wolverine (Predator Vs. Wolverine (2023))
Witness the untold greatest battles of Logan's life - across the ages, against a Predator!
Sale: $19.99 to $3.50
Author: Benjamin Percy.
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 (537 Reviews)
Bob Budiansky, born OTD in 1954, is best known for his work on #Marvel's Transformers; he also created the Marvel character Sleepwalker and wrote all 33 issues of that comic https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-marvel/?s=mb #travel #comics #history
https://laderaum.blogspot.com/2025/03/captain-america-brave-new-world-2025.html #Marvel #Action #Scifi #RedHulk #Movie #Movies #Cinema #TV #Streaming #Avengers #Film #Blockbuster
#CaptainAmerica - Brave New World
Free Streaming on #Youtube
Backup Link:
This. Never. Gets. Old.
#reacts #Marvel
Joe Fixit is heading to Madripoor to take care of some mob business, but he’s busting heads (and motorcycles) along the way. #marvel #wolverine
Peter David. #lgbtq ally who pushed for diversity in #Marvel #comics. One of the few writers blessed by JMS to write for #Babylon5 and author of some of my favorite #StarTrek novels, is stranded in tremendous medical debt and needs help. Information and link to #PeterDavid's #GoFundMe here: https://bleedingcool.com/comics/peter-david-runs-out-of-insurance-loses-medicaid-and-needs-your-help/
Actors May Be The Face Of Their Beloved Characters, But They Aren't Writers
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/claims-robert-downey-jr-helping-210435473.html #avengers #marvel #ironman #spiderman #mcu #avengersendgame #captainamerica #thor #marvelcomics
The Russo Brothers, Marvel’s Money-Minting Directors, Reveal Their Secret Weapons
#MovieFeatures #Movies #Avengers #AvengersDoomsday #AvengersSecretWars #Marvel #RobertDowneyJr #Russobrothers