The Notey, a hacked together low cost "#Braille Note Taker" solution made by a #blind citizen hacker with off the shelf #hardware and pretty minimal effort, is really an awesome idea. Anything that sticks it to the #AT manufacturers while providing a comparable solution to their often ridiculously limited and overpriced products is good in my book.
Unfortunately however, since it uses #JAWS scripts to work, it currently requires the use of JAWS, an expensive commercial #ScreenReader that costs $800 to $1200 USD to buy outright. Since only the U.S. and Canada currently have the $95 annual JAWS license option, I think it sadly still fails to bring the price down enough to be attainable for many people.
A very interesting space to watch though... If it can be made to work with #NVDA, a #FOSS Screen Reader solution, then it could be workable for people in allot more areas. I hope that the NVDA add-on community can lend some assistance here and maybe lighten the load on the creator, Drew Weber, @_IllegallyBlind on Twitter.
@Superfreq good job hackers you broke it when you used jaws rather than nvda wunder if somoen could make an adon?
@Superfreq I do think it’s kind of amazing/hilarious that the low-cost note taker is a battery and an interface strapped to a tiny Windows computer. There is so much room to make better Braille-interface computers than we have
@Jrandom -- this made me think of the Tech Matters origin story. Sounds like it is begs for a more attainable solution.