Just curious if this is an #ActuallyAutistic or neurodiverse thing:
Do you like it when people visit you at home?
I have added a poll with two options: 'My home is my castle' (dislike guests) and 'Keep the guests coming' (because you like that). There are separate options for neurodiverse and neurotypical folks. Choose whichever feels best for you.
Personally I HATE having guests. My home is a private place, a retreat where I can be myself, arrange things the way I like, and have random stuff in random places. When I have guests, I always feel judged even if they don't say anything. I never seem to have the correct food and drink available. (Everybody seems to expect coffee, but I don't drink any coffee, and I refuse to have a coffeemaker in my house.) If possible, I will always avoid having guests and rather meet people at their place (if they don't mind) or at a café/restaurant.
@SaySimonSay @actuallyautistic Neurodiverse ( #ActuallyAuDHD), If you come in, what you see is what you get, and don't expect it to be pretty, 'cause it's probably not.