The All-New Hey Disney skill for Amazon Echo! In this episode, we talk about the new skill that lets you interact with Disney, Muppet, Pixar, Star Wars, and Marvel characters on your Echo device. We'll show you how to set it up, and we'll share several features. #Disney #Amazon #alexa #Marvel #Muppet #StarWars
Spotify for PodcastersEpisode 252 Introducing the All New Hey Disney! Skill by Echo TipsIn this episode we introduce you to the all-new Hey Disney! skill. There's a lot going on with this skill, so this is part one of several episodes about the Hey Disney Skill. Below find a list of some of the commands we used and some we'll use in the future.
# Hey Disney Feature on Alexa
Alexa, introduce me to Hey Disney
Hey Disney! Start the magic
Hey Disney, what can you do?
Hey Disney! let’s go on an adventure!
Hey Disney! play a soundscape
Hey Disney, let's play Trivia
Hey Disney, tell me a story