Good #sundayMorning to all you lovely people! What is up?
@fairyqueen91 Good morning!! I'm awake. Freezing, needing coffee... desperately!! I mean I have a cup in hand, but one cup won't be enough for today I'm certain. What is up with you?
@johnl1129 just woke up, I don’t want to get out of the bed yet. Lol sometimes, I just like to lay here and chill for a minute. I don’t like coffee. It hurts my stomach really bad. I like the smell of it though.
@fairyqueen91 Lol that's ok. I'll drink enough coffee for both of us I'm certain. Especially today. I got the worst sleep last night. You can just smell the coffee while I drink it. I mean you're hella far away, but still.
@johnl1129 i’m sorry! I hate when I have bad sleeps. I hope tonight will be better for you.
@fairyqueen91 I hope so, too!! I may need to take something to kick my sleep into gear.
@johnl1129 I absolutely hate medicine! I’ll try not to take it if I don’t have to.
@fairyqueen91 I definitely don't prefer to, but if I'm going to survive the work week I think I'm going to need to.
@johnl1129 aww. Got ya. Hopefully coffee does you good today then at least.
@fairyqueen91 So far, the coffee is doing its job. :)
@johnl1129 that’s a good thing at least.
@fairyqueen91 It is indeed. Now I just need some food.
@johnl1129 yes! I could go for some eggs, smothered potatoes, bacon, and pancakes. That sounds so good.
@fairyqueen91 Omg yes!! Make give share food now!! ... please? Lol apparently, I'm supposed to say please.
@johnl1129 LL if I had it, I would share. Sharing is caring, you know! Lol.
@fairyqueen91 Lol yes sharing is caring. Pre-coffee me doesn't care, though. :)
@johnl1129 lol. Aww. When it’s too cold, I could go for some hot chocolate. That’s probably the only hot beverage I could go for. Or, maybe apple cider. I don’t know.
@fairyqueen91 I love both of those!! I need to stock up on hot chocolate before winter gets really horrible, actually.
@johnl1129 do you like dark chocolate? I absolutely hate it! It’s so bitter!
@fairyqueen91 I actually really like dark chocolate. Milk chocolate is amazing, but dark chocolate is my favorite, I think.
@johnl1129 I think the only time I can eat dark chocolate is when I have the York peppermint patties. I love those!
@johnl1129 I think the peppermint takes away some of the bitterness.
@johnl1129 @fairyqueen91 Dark chocolate is my favorite also. I like milk chocolate too, but I don't care much for white chocolate at all.
@johnl1129 @fairyqueen91 How about hot chocolate in your coffee? that's good stuff.
@ANGELGIRL1976 @johnl1129 i wish i could have coffee, hit hurts my tummy
@fairyqueen91 @johnl1129 Aw, that's a shame. I know it does that to some people, and it probably would to me too if I didn't take Pepcid every morning for acid reflux.
@johnl1129 also, drink coffee then so you will care. Lol kidding kidding.
@johnl1129 I don’t know why, but I really adore breakfast. Lol.
@johnl1129 I do understand though sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get your sleep back on point.
@fairyqueen91 Good morning to you too. I'm just about to go find something to eat. Then don't know what I'm gonna do after that.
@UnicornQueen1 you probably will most likely read! That’s probably what I’m about to do once I really get up. Lol I read a bit last night but not too much.