Ugh. I really need a more powerful laptop. I want one of the new Snapdragon Elite chips. They may not be quite at intel level, but I imagine as more things become ARM compatible, that'll change, just as it did with Mac OS. Although with Windows I imagine it'll be slower.
@masonasons Most things just work. When they don't, you can most likely wangle it to work
@fireborn nods, that's what I've been reading. How is speed/performance, would you say? Right now, I'm specifically thinking reaper.
@masonasons I don't know for reaper, I haven't tried it. For general compute though, It feels m-series mac level fast, if that helps.
@fireborn jesus christ. Wow.
@fireborn and you have the surface laptop 7?
@masonasons pro 11
@fireborn ah, I, definitely do not have the moneys right now for that.
@fireborn what do you get for ram and such?
@masonasons I have 32gb ram and 1tb storage, but you can go all the way back to 16/256
@fireborn oh I definitely wouldn't be going back. Ahahahaha
@fireborn mmkay, how about battery life?
@masonasons That really depends what you're running. I can push maybe 8 to 10 hours if I'm emulating x64 apps, longer if I'm using native ARM64 all the things.
@fireborn God damn! 8 to 10 hours is... About 2.5 times longer than I get with my curent laptops.