Good evening!
The poem for today is The Fairies by William Allingham.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Also known as Lewis Carroll) wanted to give a book to one of his child friends. He wrote on 28 February 1891 to, I think it was the mother, to ask which book he should give. One of his suggestions was "Fairies (poetry by W. Allingham, illustrated, mostly in colour, by my friend Miss E. G. Thomson) - the pictures are lovely (if you don't mind the fairies being entirely naked!) and I've given many copies of it to my child-friends."
If you want to see the original with illustrations, you can see it here via the Internet Archive:
#Poetry #TodaysPoem #WilliamAllingham #EmilyGertrudeThomson #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson (Now that is a lot of hashtags in one toot...)
@storydragon this is cool I didn't know this!!!