PSA: If Discord offers you to set a new nickname and you use a screen reader, better to do that on mobile. I just got the request on the desktop app, but after reading some horror stories of people getting stuck due to the #HCaptcha, even after solving multiple text answers which would either cause them to be locked out or forced to do an image captcha, I quit out of the app and tried doing the procedure on my phone which appeared to work for at least one person. The mobile app also asked me if I was human, but pressing confirm was enough to let me through.
@pitermach Dammit, I don't use Discord on my phone! What about the website? Isn't Discord basically a web app that you can access the same from the website? Could you get the cookie in that way?
@x0 @pitermach Yes. Make sure to use straight up Google Chrome because every other browser has privacy features that make this not work well even if disabled. Also expect to do the text captcha even with the cookie. It's really dumb.
@pitermach @x0 Yup I had to do the text captcha alongside the cookie. But that was after they banned me because their text captcha just didn't work out of the box. So who knows. I might have been a special case.