So I'm a little confused. Did anyone else who has updated discord get this weird new layout?
@Kaliah I do not have the new layout you described earlier, it must be rolling out to certain users. Or, maybe I have the wrong app version? But all my apps are up to date. It’s interesting how some apps take a while to update for certain people.
@miguelorduno6 Yeah, I'm not sure why or how I have it and others don't. Either way I really don't want it.
@Kaliah I don’t blame you for not wanting it, I hate when developers do that, like if the app works, leave it be!
@miguelorduno6 Exactly. I want what I was used to, not a stupid new layout. I don't even like it. The old one was better in my use case.
@Kaliah "i updated specifically to see it and then didn't. Sad
@tmmahaff That's so weird. Why did I get it then?
@Kaliah no idea. I know others did too though.
@TheQuinbox @tmmahaff I wish you could opt out of that
@Kaliah I tried it for the fist time yesterday and thought it was word. Don't if it's gottten weirder since then, but either way, not a big fan. Will probably have to larn the program, but yeah.
@hallen Yeah. I don't at all like it
@Kaliah So my iPhone 8 doesn't have it, so it'll be interesting to see if my 2020 SE gets it.
@BTyson That's so weird. Why did I get it then
@Kaliah It could be a gradual rollout. As an example, the App Store only showed that I could update to 193.1 even though you have 194.
@BTyson Yeah. Maybe it is. I really wish I could go back though because I don't like or want it, like I've said 35 thousand times.
@TheQuinbox @BTyson Wish you could do that on IOS. If I could revert back, I absolutely 100% would. Maybe I'm just opposed to change, but this has been the interface I've used for 2 years and now I'm having to do something new? Right now? I hate that.
@Kaliah You could write a review in the App Store about it.
@BTyson as if that'll go anywhere. Still probably not going to make a difference because it probably looks good, and that's what matters to people. Forget accessibility, this looks better, so it must be better
@TheQuinbox @BTyson My problem is exactly that. I don't want DM's in their own tab. I really don't. I prefer them at the top above the servers. And I also don't want my servers at the bottom of the screen as a second tab bar. Oh and did I mention that, if you have more than like 4 servers, you have to click an extra button to see the rest? I have lots of problems with the new interface.
@TheQuinbox @BTyson I did talk about the changes in a public post, though. Before the one at the start of this thread.
@TheQuinbox @BTyson Maybe I care. Maybe other people won't like it like I didn't. That's the changes that annoyed me. I don't like any of it. The only one I didn't mention was the extra servers button.
@TheQuinbox @BTyson Windows 11 didn't have anything that broke my productivity. Other than the quick settings thing, which I actually do really hate.
@Kaliah @TheQuinbox We could always make another thread for this one, but were you able to go in and remove the ones you didn't need?
@BTyson @TheQuinbox Yes, but I still don't really like it. I prefer the old windows 10 thing. Especially if you click on stuff from windows B, like the network and stuff like that. I much, much prefer how windows 10 did that.
@TheQuinbox @Kaliah I don't know if she posted this in the original post but it sounds like you have to hit a button to show more servers now if you have more than I think she said 4 if I remember right.
@BTyson @TheQuinbox Yeah. And it's completely random. Sometimes it shows your first like 4, sometimes it doesn't and lets you scroll, sometimes it shows like 5 and stops... It's such stupid BS
@TheQuinbox @BTyson Yeah. Changing an entire UI causes a lot of problems for me because 1, I don't do well with massive change like that, and 2, it is not explore by touch friendly at all. For example when exploring by touch the servers are unbelievably small and hard to find. Things are just unbelievably broken.
@TheQuinbox @BTyson I never had any problems with that. The servers were scrolled down the left side of the screen and I could touch on them, and the channels were in the right. Clicking on servers and stuff would change the channels in the right. That's simple and easy. This just makes it complicated.
@TheQuinbox @BTyson Nope, they totally are. And I liked them by that. Also you think the swipe order was weird in the old layout, just wait until you see the new one. It's completely fucked up there too. I used the old interface by touch exploring, which is why I liked it.
@TheQuinbox @BTyson Yeah, then I see why. The old interface was great if you explored by touch, this one... Really is not.
@Kaliah @TheQuinbox I have to incorporate explore by touch into my use of Discord even to not run the risk of the app crashing if there's a long message.
@TheQuinbox @BTyson Yup. Yet another reason I always touch explore it.
@Kaliah @TheQuinbox It's still weird that you never had the app crash completely when hitting a long message, whereas both me and Kaliah do, I think. Although 194 hasn't been offered for my SE yet.
@Kaliah @TheQuinbox It is for me, because I'll get thrown back to the home screen, and VoiceOver doesn't say "active" when I navigate to it in the switcher.